Business Loan Fuels Big Dreams

Our business literally wouldn’t be here without USB and the hard work of our lender, Jordan Hawkins.
We searched for a suitable building for several years, but finding the right facility at the right price wasn’t working. During that time, we also tried working with several large banks for loans–even the one we’d been banking with for years turned us down. That’s when we reached out to Jordan at USB. Acquiring land and building a shop on it always felt like it was just out of reach until we talked to him.
Eventually, we found land in Eustis and Jordan helped us with the financing. Then, the pandemic hit and we were stressed. Jordan was super supportive and he never slowed down, so we pushed ahead. He had faith in us. The entire lending process was handled in a responsive, caring manner that we felt was very personal.
All of our funds were used wisely and put into the building. We went from working at a small-scale shop in Apopka to operating on our own property in a sprawling facility. We’re able to work on multiple engine projects and facilitate customer requests in a more timely manner.
The new building has allowed us to grow and accept more business because we’re not confined to a small space. Our future goals are to build another building, to be able to supply parts, and to possibly work with community educational programs. We are looking forward to our continued partnership with USB as we continue to grow and pursue our business goals.